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The Illustrateuse, better known as Christina Baeriswyl, is a Swiss based illustrator working for various clients, such as magazines, newspapers, banks, retailers, musicians, universities, nightclubs, and some NGOs.


Her work manifests a poignant testimony, nested in dreamlike scenes. Christina describes her style as reduced, almost minimal, so as to aim the spotlight at the underlying conceptual idea of her illustrations.   


Her work has received several international awards such as the World Illustration Award (AOI), American Illustration, Society of Illustration, 3x3 mag.


If you feel like saying hello, just swing by her studio for a coffee:

Christina Baeriswyl

Eglistrasse 8

CH-8004 Zurich


or if you’re more of a writer type, feel free to send her an email:


or simply give her a ring:

+41 78 825 23 82


She still loves graphic design and is happy to design something for you.

Some clients:

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Republik, Sonntagszeitung,  Beobachter, Tagesanzeiger, Bilanz, NZZ, NZZ Folio, Sonntagszeitung, Buzzfeed, deVolkskrant, Wirtschaftswoche, Psychologie heute, WOZ, Sonntagsblick, Hochparterre, Annabelle, Surprise, Migrosmagazin, WWF, UBS, Schweizer Eidgenossenschaft, Migros, Coop, H&M, UBS, ETH …

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©Christina Baeriswyl


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